ˇ CLASS of 1956 !




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AHS Round Table

"A mind is a terrible thing "

AHS '56 Discussions

Email discussions
      preceding the Forum Page:

February 14, 2009
These emails were in response to the website annual fund request titled,

Congress Says 'No Bailout For AHS1956.com Expenses'


In honor of my 50th wedding anniversary today -- Valentine's Day -- I will double my contribution.  After all, 10 cents times 2 in still less than a quarter.  Hey, Big Spender.... Jeri

Dear Lovable Webmaster,

I have made a small donation owing to the fact that all my money has been donated without my approval to the Bush family war and many unknown bankers and other extremely rich people.  Let me know if you need more!

Extremely Cuddly and Lovable Fred

And you can thank Bush that no one else in this country has been blown up or burned alive since 2001, including your family and mine…. Norman

No, not in this country  --  because we have sent them to Iraq to be blown up.  Jeri

And not counting the hundreds of thousands that are now willing to blow themselves up just to kill an American.  We have become an Israel only protected by water and that won’t last long.  Dw (Dan)

Fred, get on the midway will ya - gather a few sacks of shackles.  I was just watching on TCM "Love Is A Many Splendored Thing." with William Holden and Jennifer Jones. Jennifer Jones is married to my son ya know and she doesn't look a year over 30. I always thought I saw the movie in high school - AHS (yeah) - but guess it wasn't so. How revolting.  Love to all of yas; Bobby Jones Bones bobby j

Bobby, You mean I have been in love with your daughter in law for all these years?  Not really, my true love was Kim Novak and one day about 25 years ago I dropped into my local watering hole about 8:30 AM as I had just gotten off of work and there she was all by herself.  The owner who was the bartender did not even know who she was.  We talked for over an hour all by ourselves and she got of kick out of my telling her that she was the first girl I had ever fallen in love with (not counting Carol Palmer after dancing with her in Jr. Hi.) She was in town buying some western wear and I think her husband was a vet.  Fond memories!  Dw

Oh man, how cool - really. Kim Novak in Picnic with Holden is a true classic. And when she came down the those steps to the music of Moonglow - at that time - I suffered a heart attack and passed out on the floor of the Plaza Theatre. Milton had to drag my lifeless body out the door to Ronnie Russell's hot rod. Ronnie then rushed me to the side entrance of Southwest General ER and they threw me out the other side. Geeeze, what a grouch!  At least the AHS nurse didn't treat me that way. What was her name anyway? Mr Hacking?  Oh well, it's all in the game. blooby blones

My apologies for my recent email.  Our wonderful website, and related emails, should not be used for a political argument.  Jeri

Hey guys, I've been reading your exchanges with interest. My question is to Jeri, Would you rather have the continued attacks here or wage a war over there?  Your choice. No American really wants either, but you do not seem to understand that we have been safe and Bush had a choice.  I for one will take the road to keep our innocent folks safe and prevent over 3,000 or more innocent people from being killed.  Or don't you remember what happened?  H.V. Jackson

Jeri, don't worry, everything is just done in a fun type mode. Forget it, we are AHS 56 and are all great and wonderful people - extremely lucky to have grown up together  in a great high school.  Bobby Jones

Democrats and Republicans are of different mindsets and worldviews, and never the twain shall meet.  Both sides think the other side is myopic, misguided or just plain stupid when it comes to politics, that's just the way it is.  Political discussions can sometimes be enlightening and enjoyable.... theoretically anyway.. but it's a well-tested fact that for this group of a few Democrats and a lotta Republicans, there will never be a met twain, we will not ever agree politically, although oddly, we agree on most issues.  Republicans aren't happy at all that we now have President Obama, Democrats weren't happy at all with the Bush administration, now all we can do is wait and see and hope for the best for our new administration and for the U.S., US.  Rush Limbaugh said he hoped President Obama fails but if Obama's administration fails, don't we all fail?  No matter what political side you're on, let's all hope this administration is successful, how else can the United States get its groove back?  How else can we get our portfolios off life-support?  Happy Sunday to All!  ~Fran

It is good to see all are still opinionated as ever!!!  We all have to unite and together straighten the mess we're in now. I was so vocal prior to the election. And since-- I had to be reminded about the old saying--"IF YOU SPOT YOU GOT IT".  Best to all!  jp (John)

Hola All: The answer from ~F was superb.  In Mexico we have 5 Major Political Parties (PRI, PAN, PRD, CONVERGENCIA & VERDE) and they also have similar arguments on political issues.  Similar comments and observations come from persons who are conservative, liberal or independent in their views when it comes to political discussions of all types.  Let us hope that by the grace of God and hopeful wisdom on the part of our new & old political leaders worldwide in this now globalized planet that we might still find Peace and a way out of what appears to be an ever threatening catastrophic recession. Your Former Classmate & Amigo in Mexico City,  Frank Devlyn

~F missed the point.  Rush wants Obama's policies to fail because they are left wing and have never worked throughout history.  Therefore if Obama continues his policies he wants him to fail, and he will with or without Rush saying so.  History repeats itself.  If Obama did something that was less than socialist, maybe we all would want him to succeed.  Yes, when he fails we all fail and only a short time will be needed to prove that fact.  H.V. Jackson

Living in Midland, TX you can kinda' guess which side of the fence I am on.  I have met Laura and her Mother on numerous occasions before they moved to Dallas.  They are nice folks and like others have said, we have been safe for the last 7 1/2 years.  I do not agree with all W did during his 8 years, but don't think he is the worst president we have ever had.   All I can do is hope and pray we stay safe.  I am sorry to say but Obama scares me to death.  What kind of life are our grandchildren going to have?  Yep, I fear for them.  Oh well, must support our President and pray for the best.  Have enjoyed all the notes.  Although I graduated from Austin in 1960 I did marry Keith Ryan, so now you know why my name is on the list!!!  Carolyn Stovall Ryan

So far I have stayed out of this discussion, but I do agree with my classmate who suggested that we avoid talking politics here.  One of my fondest memories of my high school years is that we were so different from each other.  So I suspect that we still are, and debating politics takes us away from the reason for the reunions and the website--namely to re-establish contact with our friends from many years ago.  Joe Hawes

Maybe we should listen to Jeri and Joe, after all they were the smartest kids in our Senior class, remember?  ~F


Joe and Norman have made good suggestions.  However, it looks like we have people who want to talk to each other!  On another high school reunion web site, where I am a member, they have started discussion groups.  So if you want to or don't want to bash Obama, you can find a sympathetic audience without worrying if you're stepping on someone's toes.
Of more interest, though, especially for groups such as we have, are discussions about one's first car, one's first date, or the impending plan to demolish the ASARCO smoke stacks, or El Paso art/relics/literature (we have a class member who wrote a history of El Paso when she was growing up), or what you did the day you got your driver's license, or what we did in elementary school (the Red Devils and the Green Angels at Rusk come to mind), or favorite teachers, or what's on EBAY if you search for "El Paso," or Miss Smith's English class in the 8th grade, or the practical jokes one played (like cement turtles moved out on Alabama) or what you did with your life, or places we used to go in El Paso/Juarez and so on.  These common threads are fun to rehash.  We have lots of common bonds, and the Internet makes it easy in your spare time to remember the past (but not live in it).  Just a suggestion.  Mary Knight McGarr (Twerp)

I disagree. I find all the comments to be informing if I agree or do not agree.  Politics is life and hearing the opinion of our class mates is very interesting.  If anyone does not like it just do not read it... Politically correct is BS... in fact being politically correct is a major part of our problems... Say it the way you think it... Be sure to keep me on the list of those who want to freely express their opinions... In fact I thank that is the American way... I trust our AHS 56 forum more than any other group on earth... no strings attached ... honest opinions...

Love all of you including the ones I disagree with... I want to be informed and I am better informed when I am informed by those that have a different point of view... If I want to ESCAPE I will go to a MOVIE... I FIND OUR GROUP TO BE LIFE, live, entertaining and honest... Keep it coming!!  Respectfully, Ed


Well, in my scenario,  you could be a member of both discussion groups!  I choose not to hear the other side.  I've heard it all before AND I lack your magnanimity!  My linkage with you has nothing to do with politics.  We have other things that join us all together.  I'm just suggesting that we focus on those in an effort to create a more congenial discussion.  Twerp

I've enjoyed everyone's comments and believe our former Civics and Modern Problems teachers would have enjoyed them as well.  Since the sharing appears to have been through the mailing list for the AHS1956.com but should not appear thereon, I see no harm--providing replies exclude personal attacks against the commentators. Politicians, on the other hand--are fair game--or have I hit "Barack-bottom"? Clyde Hooten

AHS, I only want to hear from those who agree with me or those that copied my homework and tests. Rush wants obama to fail because socialism has never worked only caitolism is the fondation of the American way. Jack V

Jacko the reason I spell so bad is because I copied your homework. Bo 

Hey Joe, how are ya?  Our discussions of the past couple days is a first - correct me if I'm wrong - for all of us. It was just a brief couple of days and was a time to vent which is perfectly normal. In this day and time we're all into events - if you will - not one of us or any of us for that matter - our Nation - has ever experienced in  history. It even far outweighs the 29 crash and 2009 will be a pivotal year. If we don't get it right this year lord help us for it's not all about money.

Sooooo, with that let me just say, keep calm because we all come from a pretty special group of people - The 1956 class of Austin High. In my book probably one of the if not the best group ever to wander the halls over there. And we all share the same down to earth feeling about our country which ever way we're coming from. My memory of us all is that we got along exceptional well - at least from my perspective. I was blessed to have been a part of the largest percentage of the class and loved every minute of it. In my life I've never met better human beings than the ones from good ole Austin High. And that is the Gods truth. Over/ Out and on with our lives of sharing. Sharing is good and we know how to do it better than anyone.

I love ya  Ed Thurman  you ole red headed son of a gun. You constantly bring tears of joy to me. Bobby

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