El Paso Museum of Art
Hueco Tanks
Scenic Drive
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El Paso is thousands of miles from Broadway, local stages offer
performances year round. From theater to dance to symphony orchestra
concerts, a night out on the town can always include a great live
Paso offers a wide variety of sporting activities and venues to
satisfy the most avid sports enthusiasts. Our sporting and
recreational activities escalate in the fall as the weather cools
Paso is part of the Chihuahuan Desert, one of the largest deserts in
the world. The flowers and fauna of this region are like no other,
with spring blooms spectacular. To view native plants, visit one of
several local botanical gardens or hike through an arroyo – be sure
to bring a camera and sun screen.
Paso and Las Cruces are home to several universities and junior
colleges. From sporting events to art exhibits to Bhutanese
architecture, the educational facilities are a good place to start
when planning your next trip to the borderland.
city offers great fun for families big or small. Spend a Sunday
biking along the Rio Grande or feed the baby goats at the Licon
Dairy petting zoo. Or go to Western Playland, which offers visitors
rides and roller coasters under the warm sun any day of the year.
of the United State’s largest bases and home to the annual Amigo Air
Show, Fort Bliss has museums, fairs, and one of the biggest PX's in
the Southwest. Ft. Bliss has some of the oldest architecture in El
Paso, so history and military buffs alike will find plenty to do.
Paso and New Mexico offer many fishing opportunities from trout to
catfish, stocked lakes to streams; any fisherman can find his catch
of the day.
Paso serves as a cultural corridor that introduces thousands to our
history. With our extensive diversity one can learn about the
native Tiguas culture, hear the story of the grim fate of the
notorious outlaw John Wesley Hardin, or you may visit the Magoffin
Homestead, one of El Paso’s prominent founders.
of El Paso’s hottest attractions is Juarez, Mexico. Juarez is a
cosmopolitan border town that offers everything from dining to dance
clubs to great shopping. Pesos or dollars, English or Spanish – the
possibilities for a great time are endless when visiting Juarez.
Paso attracts world-class photographers, painters, sculptors and
muralists. Visit the market at Café Mayapan for a hand-woven dress,
or go to the Adair Margo Gallery where Tom Lea’s great works are
presented. From galleries to museums to architecture to walking
tours, the opportunities for art are endless.
the mood to ride a sled down a hill of gleaming white sand? Or how
about fishing for fresh trout in the middle of the Lincoln National
Forest? This region is home to some of the Southwest’s most
spectacular National Parks.
your picnic basket and choose from one of the many city parks or
grab your swim trunks and splash into a city pool!
and visitors alike can enjoy the fruits of harvest during the summer
and fall with tasty spicy chilies, refreshing Zinfandels and candied
pecans. Visit one of the many orchards of the upper Rio Grande by
taking a Sunday drive along Highway 28 under the cool canopy of
Pecan trees.
Courses in and around El Paso can be played year round.
Paso has magnificent landscapes and brilliant sunsets. The variety
of terrain is extraordinary and ideal for any type of excursion.
The sun shines in El Paso approximately 302 days per year, earning
it the nickname “Sun City.” With all that sun we have the finest
regional vineyards. Raise your glasses to doing Texas different!
Viña Winery: Thousands of wine
lovers tempt their taste buds at La Viña Winery. Visitors have the
opportunity to educate themselves in the art of wine tasting from
noon to 5 p.m. daily. The tasting room and patio are open daily for
sales and wine sampling. One of New Mexico's oldest wineries, La
Viña is location at 4201 NM Highway 28, one mile north of Vinton
Road. Call for more information.
Valle Winery:
reading an article on the quality of Texas wines in
Texas Monthly, Vic and Kathi Poulos decided they
would attempt to change the views of wine connoisseurs
by establishing their own vineyard. Make plans to
visit! Take I-10 West to Artcraft, go left at the light
and continue for three miles to Westside Dr. Go right
onto Westside Dr. for three miles. At the second stop
sign, go left. Take the immediate curve right onto
Highway 28. Zin Valle Vineyards is on the left in 3/4
mile. Full-service wine tasting room and picnic grounds.
Open noon to 5 p.m. Friday through Monday
or by appointment Tuesday
through Thursday.
Photos Around El Paso

More Interesting Places
Around Town
Chamizal National Memorial --
Concordia Cemetary – 915-598-4956
El Paso Convention & Visitors Bureau – 915-534-0600
El Paso Zoo – 915-521-1850 - www.elpasozoo.org
Feather Lake Wildlife Refuge 915-545-5157
Fort Bliss Museum and Study Center – 915-568-2711
Indian Cliffs Ranch at Cattleman’s Steakhouse – 915-544-3200 -
Juarez City Market (Juarez) -
Mount Cristo Rey (Juarez)
Pueblita Mexicano (Juarez)
Scenic Drive
Star on the Mountain – 915-534-0500
Sunland Park Casino – 505-589-1131
Trans Mountain Road
Western Playland – 772-3914 -
Wet-N-Wild – www.wetwild.com
Ascarate Park – 915-772-3941
El Paso Diablos Baseball – 915-755-2000 -
El Paso Patriots Soccer – 915-771-6620 -
El Paso Scorpions Rugby – 915-845-7825
Golf: Ascarate Golf Course 915-772-7381; Cielo Vista Municipal Golf
Course 915-591-4927; Emerald Springs Golf Club 915-852-9110; Painted
Dunes Desert Golf Course 915-821-2122
Juarez Race Track – 915-775-0555
Sun Bowl – 915-533-4416 - www.sunbowl.org
Sunland Park Race Track – 505-589-1131
UTEP Athletics – 915-747-8620 -